Friday, January 30, 2015

Sew N' Crafts

The boys are working on a little Arts N' Crafts type sewing project. Every day or so, I'm giving them a new Thread to sew with. I was a little hesitant to start them sewing, I thought they'd be too impatient, loose their needles or poke themselves. But it turns out they are really good at it. It was a lesson for me- in that we need to give our little ones the room to learn and explore- trusting that it's not gonna always be perfect and sometimes they may get hurt.

I've been reading Ben Hewitt's book "Home Grown: Adventures in Parenting Off the Beaten Path, Unschooling, and Reconneting with the Natural World" Ben shares his journey of letting his children learn as they wish- by allowing their interests to guide them in a love of learning. In one account he tells how he gave each of his boys a pocket knife when they were 4 years old. With some guidance he let them learn to carve and whittle wood or sticks. I felt a little sense of shock when I read this and thought of my boys- "they'd get hurt". But then I remember all the things that I have "let" happen because I knew they would learn from their experience.

It may not be pocket knives- but by giving them an chance to explore with (Mama's) tools I consider to use carefully, I am giving them an opportunity take responsibility using these special tools, and that seems to give them a sense of pride.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Solistice Sewing Aprons

Long a few weeks ago, around the night of the Winter Solstice I finished up this pretty little apron for a friends's daughter. I was gifting her a cooking play set and I thought an apron would be a nice handmade gift to accompany it.

As I write this post now, I'm remembering my first apron. It was peach (I loved peach when I was in 5th grade) and it had little coral flowers in a country like print.  It was a full apron, fairly simple with a little gathering in the waist. I was in 4-H and one of our projects was to make an apron. And like all my sewing projects for 4-H, my mother helped me. In fact she did most of the work, while I sat and watched, because I was often so impatient with sewing. I always wanted to get it done quickly- I didn't have the patience to read patterns, or to stitch slowly, or to finish any of the hand stitching that might be needed. When that apron was finished it was so pretty. That sweet peach apron is still at my parents house hanging up on a hook, right near the kitchen.

This post has reminded me how much I owe my mother for my ability to create. She lovingly (and perhaps at times with great patience) helped me though many of my accomplishments. I'm amazed now when I look back at how much I've changed, and become more like my mother to see a project through.  It is with the guidance of those that came before us to show us- that the time and effort to make something, (anything) "good" is worthy of our time. It is good to make, to create with the best of our abilities, especially for someone you love.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hunting for Christmas Trees in the Whipping Cold

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. I haven't been posting so much because it’s been a very interesting Christmas season.  And though this blog serves to document my sewing and crafting work- I cannot leave out some of my life’s interruptions that might deter me on my crafting journey.

Alongside all the merriment of the holidays has also been some unexpected stress. In short, we rent a home that is in foreclosure and over the past few weeks we’ve realized that our home may no longer be our own. So we’ve put in an offer in the hopes that the bank foreclosing on the property will accept it. It’s been so many phone calls to lawyers, banks, realtors, and our landlord. It’s such a big mess that I cannot find many solid answers to give us some hope of reason. Either way, we find ourselves in this situation: it’s our home, and yet we’ve been drawn into someone else’s problem.

I found these photos of us hunting for our Christmas tree the first weekend in December and it seemed appropriate. It was so cold, and the wind was whipping, the kids were whining, the baby was crying non-stop and I was anxious to find a tree and get back in the warmth of the car. I had so longed for our annual run to the tree farm, it’s such a big part of our traditions- but moreover a very pivotal part in "my" celebrations of the holidays. (All the hopes, dreams, schemes- making cookies, wrapping presents, decking that halls all in as perfect and blissful order as I can attend to).

And as I look over these photos I’m struck of the relation of that moment to what we’ve been going through over here. Everything is somewhat up in the air. A sea of possibilities ahead of us, yet none of them are at all what I want. I have had so many hopes and ideas of what our life would be, and now I feel like I’m hurrying to just hold on tight to what we have and now perhaps throw down and say, "OK. Here is where I want us to be." And all the while, the wind is so cold and I just want to retreat.

It’s been so many lessons all at once- that I’m not sure where I stand in my personal development as a human let alone a mother. But I’m reminded of these photos- which while we were freezing cold our smiles aren’t an illusion of our real experience, but a document of the experience I wasn’t noticing was happening right before me.

So, as I approach this new year, I wish so much that I will as an artist and mother, remember that life is happening simultaneously along side my interpretation of it. And, that like finding the “perfect Christmas Tree”, my family is right there with me…in the whipping cold.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Abominable Sewing

I am making masks for my son's 5th birthday party. We are doing an Abominable Snowman theme and hosting it at a children's museum. And I thought it would be cool to have masks for all the kids, so that they can run around scaring all the other museum patrons.  (wink)

I haven't been able to find much time to sew. It's very frustrating not having the creative time that I crave (need). But I know it's for a good cause- devoting my time to a sweet babe and two little wild men has it's dividends.

So, this year I'm dreaming of a sewing Christmas. And perhaps soon (as in the next week or two) I will have time to make Christmas gifts for the kids. Cross your fingers for me. And don't forget to wear your pajamas inside out!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve Snow Day

Snow, snow, snow...wonderful white, fun, fluffy snow. Two uber cute snow bunnies, and a sweet plump babe warm in my arms. The wonderful snow was the perfect thing to keep to little wild boys busy while this new little miss got to sleep.

As the days progress we are all getting into a new rhythm as a family of three kids, and one mommy at home. My days of sewing are a bit lean. I have ideas, dreams and aspirations for new projects- yet my sewing time is scarce right now. It is an adjustment- caring for a new baby, seemingly feral boys and managing a home. So sewing goddess is on break. And for now, I'll enjoy the time I have with my little ones, and scheme of what things I can make for Christmas.

Friday, November 14, 2014

First Snowfall

We woke to a beautiful dusting of snow. It was a little glimpse of the winter wonderland to come. Nikolai was in bed with me at dawn, and exclaimed it was Christmas- and that he "needed" to go play out side. So while little Kasper slept, Nikolai and his Dad went out into the early morning snow. Shortly after, Kasper woke, and I told him to look out the window. "Wow, it snowed".

It is amazing, the wonderment that snow can bring to a child- and to me.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween with Squid & Bat

So it all turned out pretty well- I finished the squid costume just in time for the annual Halloween party at my husband's work. The kids got to go around in their costumes on Wednesday and then were back at it on Friday for the main event on All Hallows Eve.

The Squid Costume turned out better than I had hoped. (I love those shiny pink and red tentacles). Seeing him running around in it made me so happy. My favorite part of the costume is the tentacle sleeves- they made him look a little rocker, like "Ziggy Stardust and the Squids from Saturn". And sweet Kasper the Bat, wore the Cat Hat I made for Nikolai last year, along with the wings I made just before Adelheid's birth. Chris gave me the idea to add detail, so I chalked on batty-anatomy and stitched over that. I think it looks pretty creepy. And lastly little Babe-lheide, I was just not Goddess enough to make a costume for her- but two costume and a new baby is good enough for me.

Now- what to make next?