Thursday, December 11, 2014

Abominable Sewing

I am making masks for my son's 5th birthday party. We are doing an Abominable Snowman theme and hosting it at a children's museum. And I thought it would be cool to have masks for all the kids, so that they can run around scaring all the other museum patrons.  (wink)

I haven't been able to find much time to sew. It's very frustrating not having the creative time that I crave (need). But I know it's for a good cause- devoting my time to a sweet babe and two little wild men has it's dividends.

So, this year I'm dreaming of a sewing Christmas. And perhaps soon (as in the next week or two) I will have time to make Christmas gifts for the kids. Cross your fingers for me. And don't forget to wear your pajamas inside out!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve Snow Day

Snow, snow, snow...wonderful white, fun, fluffy snow. Two uber cute snow bunnies, and a sweet plump babe warm in my arms. The wonderful snow was the perfect thing to keep to little wild boys busy while this new little miss got to sleep.

As the days progress we are all getting into a new rhythm as a family of three kids, and one mommy at home. My days of sewing are a bit lean. I have ideas, dreams and aspirations for new projects- yet my sewing time is scarce right now. It is an adjustment- caring for a new baby, seemingly feral boys and managing a home. So sewing goddess is on break. And for now, I'll enjoy the time I have with my little ones, and scheme of what things I can make for Christmas.

Friday, November 14, 2014

First Snowfall

We woke to a beautiful dusting of snow. It was a little glimpse of the winter wonderland to come. Nikolai was in bed with me at dawn, and exclaimed it was Christmas- and that he "needed" to go play out side. So while little Kasper slept, Nikolai and his Dad went out into the early morning snow. Shortly after, Kasper woke, and I told him to look out the window. "Wow, it snowed".

It is amazing, the wonderment that snow can bring to a child- and to me.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween with Squid & Bat

So it all turned out pretty well- I finished the squid costume just in time for the annual Halloween party at my husband's work. The kids got to go around in their costumes on Wednesday and then were back at it on Friday for the main event on All Hallows Eve.

The Squid Costume turned out better than I had hoped. (I love those shiny pink and red tentacles). Seeing him running around in it made me so happy. My favorite part of the costume is the tentacle sleeves- they made him look a little rocker, like "Ziggy Stardust and the Squids from Saturn". And sweet Kasper the Bat, wore the Cat Hat I made for Nikolai last year, along with the wings I made just before Adelheid's birth. Chris gave me the idea to add detail, so I chalked on batty-anatomy and stitched over that. I think it looks pretty creepy. And lastly little Babe-lheide, I was just not Goddess enough to make a costume for her- but two costume and a new baby is good enough for me.

Now- what to make next?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sewing Squid

I'm working on Halloween costumes. My eldest son loves Squids- and ever since we went to the Whaling Museum he's wanted to be a Squid for Halloween. (I love his out of the box idea- but gulped thinking "how" to make this). Luckily I began Nikolai's Squid Costume before our baby Adelheid arrived.

So I'm working away at perhaps the hardest sewing challenge I have met yet. One cannot find a Squid sewing pattern. And thus,  I've had to think, figure, plot, plan and pray- that each cut and stitch I make will result in a sound choice. And with Halloween around the corner- I just don't have time (or extra fabric) for mistakes. I feel a little bit of pressure to get this project done in time- and have found myself wondering "who makes costumes for their kids after just having a baby"? I'm sure their are sewing goddesses out there who have/are doing the same thing. Yet, I know that if it wasn't for the love of my little man, and his wonderfully weird request for a Squid costume; I wouldn't be sewing right now- I'd be still on my Baby-moon-cation.

But while I work away it's very peaceful in this sewing room...the view out my window is so nice as is the view to my right, a sweet baby sleeping as I stitch away. Just as my other little ones have done before her, sleeping by my side as the machine whirs away.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Baby Adelheid

Our little one arrived on October 14th at 2:02am. (Our anniversary). She's absolutely beautiful and we're all so in love. I'm so happy to have her in my arms and cuddled up next to me every night. Once again I'm struck by how in love I could become with one little human.

Welcome my precious Adelheid Hart.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

What a perfectly gorgeous day at the Pumpkin Patch in the beautiful Harlem Valley. A Hayride, Pumpkins, Corn Fields, Hot Apple Cider and little ones running through the patch- I just love this time of year. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Heart Mobile

A few weeks back I finished setting up the baby area of our bedroom. We are in a new home for this baby, and I wanted to do something special to decorate her little space. (Even though she'll spend most of her time in my arms in our bed).  

Originally I was planning on making felt hearts strung on the back wall- but I found cute paper mobile ideas a Pintrest board- and they were "Sewn!" which I loved. Just simply cut out shapes into card stock paper and then sew together with a running straight stitch. I set mine to about a "4" on my sewing machine. Then I went out in the backyard and got a stick and hung it up. (You could use an embroidery hoop or dowel). The only hard part of this project is choosing which colors to use and planning the order of the shapes.  (I think I might make one for the boys room with whales).

The sweet baby cradle below the Heart Mobile is very dear to me- as it was the cradle I was in as a baby. My mother lovingly, refinished and repaired this cradle when my sister was pregnant with her first. And for my second  she built a frame to raise the cradle up, so that it is at my bed level. All of my babies have been in this cradle.

With each child I myself add something to the cradle. Recently I sewed two new covers for the cradle mattress, one in quilting fabric and one in flannel. The skirt around the base I made just before Kasper's birth.

And now, with this project done we are completely ready to welcome our little one. We are just patiently awaiting our baby. Till then- be well.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Soft Cuddly Baby Blanket

This Super Soft Cuddly Blanket is made of Quilting fabric on top and Bamboo Velour Jersey on the underside. The Bamboo Velour is sooo soft. It's amazing. I was making cloth diapers with this Velour for Nikolai, (while pregnant with Kasper) and decided to use the Velour to make a baby blanket.  I used a receiving blanket as a template for size and curved edges- and it turned out better than I had imagined.

Above is a photo of Kasper, as a newborn, wrapped in his blanket. I used that Blue Blanket the most above all other blankets- (receiving, quilts, etc.) because it's so warm and soft. It became my favorite go-to blanket. And today while taking photos, he was especially interested in this new blanket.

Now, I have a Soft Cuddly Blanket to give to my new baby when she arrives. I am looking forward to laying in bed just after her birth, with my fresh newborn, wrapped in her blanket- she and I dozing off between feedings, all warm and cuddly.

In time, when I've awoken from new baby bliss, I will post a tutorial for this blanket. It's an easy blanket to make, and would be a lovely gift for a new mama. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Apple Pick'n

Just a little Apple Pick'n, Pumpkin Patch Runn'n, Tractor Climb'n, Swirly Pop Lick'n, Cider Donut Eat'n- family fun time. Hope you have a chance to get out and enjoy the harvest season too.