A few weeks back I finished setting up the baby area of our bedroom. We are in a new home for this baby, and I wanted to do something special to decorate her little space. (Even though she'll spend most of her time in my arms in our bed).
Originally I was planning on making felt hearts strung on the back wall- but I found cute paper mobile ideas a Pintrest board- and they were "Sewn!" which I loved. Just simply cut out shapes into card stock paper and then sew together with a running straight stitch. I set mine to about a "4" on my sewing machine. Then I went out in the backyard and got a stick and hung it up. (You could use an embroidery hoop or dowel). The only hard part of this project is choosing which colors to use and planning the order of the shapes. (I think I might make one for the boys room with whales).
The sweet baby cradle below the Heart Mobile is very dear to me- as it was the cradle I was in as a baby. My mother lovingly, refinished and repaired this cradle when my sister was pregnant with her first. And for my second she built a frame to raise the cradle up, so that it is at my bed level. All of my babies have been in this cradle.
With each child I myself add something to the cradle. Recently I sewed two new covers for the cradle mattress, one in quilting fabric and one in flannel. The skirt around the base I made just before Kasper's birth.
And now, with this project done we are completely ready to welcome our little one. We are just patiently awaiting our baby. Till then- be well.
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