Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Baby Quilt is Finished!

Our little girl will have a quilt of Hearts and Rainbow beams waiting for her arrival day. It's so nice to have this, my biggest task accomplished in time and ready to wrap my new little one in. Today I am 37 weeks pregnant- and as I sewed the last stitch I said to my husband, "Ok I'm ready to have the baby now". 

I finished the hand stitching last night happily- because it is the most wonderful part of quilting. Delicately blind stitching by hand is so relaxing and this is the time where the most of my positive thoughts go into the quilt- thinking of the one to whom this quilt will belong.

It's amazing to think just last week I finished the quilt top, sandwiched the batting to the backing, (always forgetting with every baby quilt- 9 months pregnant is not the time to be on the floor pinning the backing and batting), and then quilting it all together. Over the weekend I trimmed-up the quilt and sewed the binding to the quilt front, while singing a little song to myself "It's Binding Time Again...you're gonna seam me". I think I do this often when I'm rhythmically engrossed in a task. (Do you ever whistle while you work too?)

When I finished I showed the boys which heart on the quilt belonged to them- and they both seemed so excited. (Kasper even remembered which one is his and pointed to it while I took photos). I hope in years to come she will be as happy with this token of love as I am. And that as with all hand-made things, my children will pass it on to their children.

And now I'm on to the next project. (yup, I have a few more things I "want" to sew before she arrives). Come visit again and see what I'm making next for our little girl.

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