Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Heart Mobile

A few weeks back I finished setting up the baby area of our bedroom. We are in a new home for this baby, and I wanted to do something special to decorate her little space. (Even though she'll spend most of her time in my arms in our bed).  

Originally I was planning on making felt hearts strung on the back wall- but I found cute paper mobile ideas a Pintrest board- and they were "Sewn!" which I loved. Just simply cut out shapes into card stock paper and then sew together with a running straight stitch. I set mine to about a "4" on my sewing machine. Then I went out in the backyard and got a stick and hung it up. (You could use an embroidery hoop or dowel). The only hard part of this project is choosing which colors to use and planning the order of the shapes.  (I think I might make one for the boys room with whales).

The sweet baby cradle below the Heart Mobile is very dear to me- as it was the cradle I was in as a baby. My mother lovingly, refinished and repaired this cradle when my sister was pregnant with her first. And for my second  she built a frame to raise the cradle up, so that it is at my bed level. All of my babies have been in this cradle.

With each child I myself add something to the cradle. Recently I sewed two new covers for the cradle mattress, one in quilting fabric and one in flannel. The skirt around the base I made just before Kasper's birth.

And now, with this project done we are completely ready to welcome our little one. We are just patiently awaiting our baby. Till then- be well.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Soft Cuddly Baby Blanket

This Super Soft Cuddly Blanket is made of Quilting fabric on top and Bamboo Velour Jersey on the underside. The Bamboo Velour is sooo soft. It's amazing. I was making cloth diapers with this Velour for Nikolai, (while pregnant with Kasper) and decided to use the Velour to make a baby blanket.  I used a receiving blanket as a template for size and curved edges- and it turned out better than I had imagined.

Above is a photo of Kasper, as a newborn, wrapped in his blanket. I used that Blue Blanket the most above all other blankets- (receiving, quilts, etc.) because it's so warm and soft. It became my favorite go-to blanket. And today while taking photos, he was especially interested in this new blanket.

Now, I have a Soft Cuddly Blanket to give to my new baby when she arrives. I am looking forward to laying in bed just after her birth, with my fresh newborn, wrapped in her blanket- she and I dozing off between feedings, all warm and cuddly.

In time, when I've awoken from new baby bliss, I will post a tutorial for this blanket. It's an easy blanket to make, and would be a lovely gift for a new mama. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Apple Pick'n

Just a little Apple Pick'n, Pumpkin Patch Runn'n, Tractor Climb'n, Swirly Pop Lick'n, Cider Donut Eat'n- family fun time. Hope you have a chance to get out and enjoy the harvest season too.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Baby Quilt is Finished!

Our little girl will have a quilt of Hearts and Rainbow beams waiting for her arrival day. It's so nice to have this, my biggest task accomplished in time and ready to wrap my new little one in. Today I am 37 weeks pregnant- and as I sewed the last stitch I said to my husband, "Ok I'm ready to have the baby now". 

I finished the hand stitching last night happily- because it is the most wonderful part of quilting. Delicately blind stitching by hand is so relaxing and this is the time where the most of my positive thoughts go into the quilt- thinking of the one to whom this quilt will belong.

It's amazing to think just last week I finished the quilt top, sandwiched the batting to the backing, (always forgetting with every baby quilt- 9 months pregnant is not the time to be on the floor pinning the backing and batting), and then quilting it all together. Over the weekend I trimmed-up the quilt and sewed the binding to the quilt front, while singing a little song to myself "It's Binding Time Again...you're gonna seam me". I think I do this often when I'm rhythmically engrossed in a task. (Do you ever whistle while you work too?)

When I finished I showed the boys which heart on the quilt belonged to them- and they both seemed so excited. (Kasper even remembered which one is his and pointed to it while I took photos). I hope in years to come she will be as happy with this token of love as I am. And that as with all hand-made things, my children will pass it on to their children.

And now I'm on to the next project. (yup, I have a few more things I "want" to sew before she arrives). Come visit again and see what I'm making next for our little girl.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Quilt Top

The Baby Quilt top is done!

This quilt is a true fabric saving quilt. I have utilized all the fabric from the my previous two quilts and haven't bought any new fabric for this one. The two little hearts that represent my boys, have fabric that was in each of their quilts. And the white border around the squares, white leaves on vines, is the fabric backing my little girl's heart in the top left. I had bought it for my last baby's quilt- but didn't use it. Now, it seems so much more appropriate for my little girl.

All pieced together- five hearts together, waiting and welcoming our new one to the family.
Now it's quilting time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sewing Applique Hearts

Hello and welcome to the first post on my new blog. Since I'm usually sewing or making something I figured I'd show you my current project- "The Baby Quilt". I'm expecting a new baby girl very soon- and I have a baby quilt to finish before her arrival. It seems I'm always just finishing before the baby arrives.

I made each one of my babies a white on white baby quilt. And it's become a sweet ritual that I do while pregnant, waiting for their arrival- Planning and designing the blocks for the baby to be, sewing and dreaming of sweet smelling skin and little fingers. All the while, looking forward to wrapping my new little one in a blanket crafted especially for them.

For this baby quilt I wanted to do something fun and more girl like. Her middle name is Heart and what would be more appropriate than Rainbow beams and Hearts. Especially since I just love all things Rainbow (as in Ronnie James Dio) and Hearts (as in Ann & Nancy).

So off I am to finish more Hearts. Thanks for stopping by, come visit again.